: Read more about the benefits of UV Roll-in-place Conveyors
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Benefits of
Ultra-Violet Roll-in-Place Conveyors

In the last few years, because of the introduction of new chemistry for the manufacture of UV curable inks and coatings, the need for the industry to add UV conveyors to the printing press operation has increased dramatically. In recognition of the industry need, with Innovative Machines, has built press-compatible systems for both paper and plastics. The design of these systems was done in such a way that the chemistry, equipment, substrates, cost and end-use performance were all considered prior to construction. Consequently, our curing system solutions are quickly adaptable to most offset printing presses, and, they are affordable.

The raw material manufacturers for the printing inks and coatings industries have recently developed materials which are beneficial to the printing industry. A few of these are hybrid inks, low-viscosity oligomers, new photo-initiators, low toxicity/low odor components and cationic cured inks and coatings. All of these chemistries require study to determine which cost-effective curing system is required to meet or exceed the performance of traditional water-based or cobalt dried printing inks and coatings.

In recognition of these new chemistries, press manufacturers have adapted their coating systems to be receptive to UV chemistry, but they prefer to have a simpler, exterior curing system rather than in-the-press designs which present heat-related as well as servicability issues. Therefore, we've responded to these needs by offering our innovative, roll-in-place UV curing systems.

To increase their profitability, printers have been looking at using lower quality, less expensive paper and plastics. Proper selection of UV chemistry and curing process has made it possible for printers to reduce their paper cost and still maintain the quality and productivity required by their extremely competitive market. Printers have found the in-press UV installations to be too expensive, mostly because of the considerable cost necessary to cool the in-press irradiators without overheating the press mechanism. The UV conveyor cure systems, on the other hand, have been cost effective even on the smaller duplicator presses. Many of these are relatively lower cost and the cost is easily recovered by the increased productivity and improved product performance achieved by using UV ink chemistries instead of conventional ink technologies. UV chemistries have naturally higher gloss and rub/scratch resistance. In fact, new UV coatings have been developed with steel wool scratch resistance.

The most recent development of hybrid inks has made it possible for printers to cure and coat in line with the printing press, thereby eliminating the added cost of sending their printed product out for custom lamination. Also, other substrates such as PVC or styrene can be printed. This increases the capabilities for the printer to serve his customers.

In order for the printer to successfully modify his system, he can Innovative Machines and let us help him design his press modification. This will give him the benefits of UV chemistry and he can select the curing system necessary to meet their manufacturing requirements and the product performance demanded by his customers.

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